Reduce the size of your Outlook mailbox

This post is for any of you out there hiding a burning, fanatical desire to keep your email inbox as tight and efficient as possible. Perhaps your inbox needs its own budget code and you'd like a way to keep under the IT manager's radar. Or maybe you just get a kick out of seeing this:

Large attachment in Outlook

turn into this:

Compressed email attachment

Well we have the perfect new tool for you. You can now select an email in Outlook and optimize all of its attachments. Just right-click on an email and select "Optimize with NXPowerLite":

Optimize with NXPowerLite option in Outlook

You'll get a progress dialog during optimization and when it's finished the email size will be updated in the list automatically.

Top tip:

You can use Outlook's built-in search function to give you a list of the largest emails in your inbox so you can pick off the biggest first. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1

Click in the search box at the top of your list of emails.

Search mailbox in Outlook

Step 2

Click on the "Has Attachments" button in the Ribbon.

See all emails with attachments

Now you can optimize the largest emails first, giving you the greatest mailbox reduction.

Already optimized emails

If you right-click on an email you've previously optimized, you will see an option to "View NXPowerLite details". This will show when the email was optimized and by which version of NXPowerLite.

Details of already compressed emails


 If you select an email that doesn't have any supported attachments you will not get the NXPowerLite option on the right click menu.

Find out more about NXPowerLite Desktop.

For more tips on cleaning up your mailbox and for instructions on how to find out how big your mailbox is, check out these excellent mailbox clean up tips on


5 email productivity tips


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